Võtke kõik raudteesüsteemidega seotud mured teie kätest ära!
Eritooted tervishoiusektorile:
- Qurails paistab silma haigla kardinate osas, nii toote kui ka kinnitusega
- Dušireelingud
- Tavalised kardinapuud
Haigla kardinate rööpad
Tarnime ja paigaldame teile vajalikud haiglakardinad – täiesti mõõtude järgi valmistatud ja koos kõigi tarvikutega. Tänu oma kõrgele kvaliteedile sobib siine kasutada ka niisketes ruumides. Funktsionaalne, tugev ja saadaval tolmukindla PVC katteribaga.
Selle siiniga seotud sortiment sisaldab ka selliseid käepäraseid tarvikuid nagu IV hammas, IV konks, kardinahoidja jne. Siini saab paigaldada kas seinale või loomulikult lakke, et saaks ehitada kindla süsteemi .
Jätkusuutlik ja praktiline
Qurails 4100 Kabili kardinasiin rada sobib näiteks haigla palatiosakonna eraldamiseks mitmeks ajutiselt eraldatud alaks, et tagada patsientide ja hooldajate privaatsus.
We offer a complete range for health care institutions. Qurails has the right solution for every type of rail. Our cubicle curtain track gives patients the privacy they need. The wide range of regular curtain rail systems can be applied broadly and is easy to install. The patented Load Release System is our answer to the health care sector's need to have cubicle curtain track and curtain rails released under certain conditions. You can also rely on us for shower curtain rails.
Taking all worries about your rail systems off your hands!
Load Release System
The Load Release System is our answer to the health care sector's need to have cubicle curtain track and curtain rails released under certain conditions. This unique, patented solution allows the rail to be released from its attachment points under momentary loads of approximately 35 kg.
Detachable Cubicle Curtain Track
The LRS system was developed for low hanging rail, separate from the ceiling. The rail is plugged into the ceiling supports. At peak loads of more than 35 kg, the rail’s detachment is guaranteed as long as it has been installed by qualified, trained personnel.
These LRS skids can be used in any rail. The slides pop out of the rail whenever the curtain is pulled hard. This prevents damage to the curtains/curtain rails. For safety, flexible plastic hooks are used instead of insert hooks. The LRS system is particularly suitable for hospitals, nursing homes, homes for the elderly, mental health facilities and other health care institutions.
You can turn to Qurails for all your customization requirements (bending the rail, curves, assembly etc.). You will receive a free quote based on your drawings and specifications. You are assured of clear communication with the experienced project managers of the Qurails project department.

The Qurails Kidsrail
A hospital does not look like home, no one likes to be there. A color makes it a bit more cheerful.
That’s why our privacy rails 4100 and 5100 are available in all colors of the rainbow. So that children’s departments are no longer dependent on colors for adults. And everything looks a bit happier. A bit like home. A hospital does not look like home, no one likes to be there. A color makes it a bit more cheerful.

Unlimited color selection
We donate 5% of our KidsRail income to Cliniclowns. Cliniclowns are bringing smiles and happy feelings to healthcare institutions in the Netherlands for many years. These are priceless moments for sick children and their parents.
Qurails Extension Glider
The Qurails extension glider is a unique solution for privacy rails in healthcare, in case the rail needs to be mounted to the ceiling. The extension glider is a rotating glider with S-hook.
Usually, a separation rail is not mounted against the ceiling, but when the rail is mounted against the ceiling, a ‘mesh’ part is placed in the curtain for the operation of sprinklers and good ventilation.
A good alternative to this solution is the Qurails Extension glider. The rail can be mounted against the ceiling, and the the curtain can be lowered from the rail thanks to the extension glider.
The extension glider can be applied to privacy rails 4100 and 5100.